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slow ottawa on X
【人文】凳子上的人站着看风景 别人眼里他们何尝不是一副风景画 慢下来 再慢一点 近一点 再进一点 为有激情和有情感的人提供载体 “城市情感” “打破平衡 站与坐 椅背与椅面 转换角度是创造新的可能性的开始” “将已有的事物尽可能的利用就是反复的 深入的探索其尽可能多的角度和可能性并用来创作” “思考看来是个辛苦的事情 灵感不会凭空而来的 需要长期的积累和练习 这指的不是走马观花的去看一看 而是观察 思考 随时随地 保持思考观察和质疑的状态 不是这项工作结束就脱身出来过与设计分离的无趣生活 而是真的将设计的思维方式过成日常的生活方式 这是前提和基础 没有什么是不需要思考的 没有什么思考是轻松的 去尝试 去坚持 去习惯 别无他法”
Digital fabrication was used to create these beautiful benches at Harvard university. STOSS landscape architects.
Jan Gehl : la calidad espacial condiciona el comportamiento de la gente.
DESIGN | INSIDER : Jan Gehl : la calidad espacial condiciona el comportamiento de la gente.
15 Urban Furniture Designs You Wish Were on Your Street - Freshome.com
Reef bench : This superb bench by Dutch designers Remy & Veenhuizen was created for a high school in Zoetermeer, Netherlands. Students must be able to play with the environment in order to enjoy relaxation and creativity. The lively bench makes use of natural elements in trying to offer an escape from the modern, static impression left behind by the high school building.
Banc UILIUILI par Piotr Żuraw Architekt | Deco-Design
Designed by Piotr Zuraw Architekt for urban and public open spaces, “uiliuili” is a stylish, dynamic and conceptual urban furniture
15 Urban Furniture Designs You Wish Were on Your Street - Freshome.com
15 Urban Furniture Designs You Wish Were on Your Street
Gallery of Gotland Summer House / Enflo Arkitekter + DEVE Architects - 1
Gotland Summer House,© Joachim Belaieff