Photo DIY

Dietro le quinte del food blog OPSD #1 - OPSD Il gustoso food blog
How to – Dietro le quinte OPSD - still life setup with natural light filtered with white window sheer, white foamboard to bounce light
Lighting Tips & Tricks for Bloggers & Photographers (Making Nice in the Midwest)
Lighting Tips & Tricks for Bloggers
Amazing way to take incredible pictures
Amazing way to take incredible pictures - Mind Blowing Things
DIY Photo Light Box - a finish fifty project
Did you ever wonder how people get those beautiful endless finishes in their photos? White and bright shots of their products? This is how (or, at least it is an inexpensive diy substitute). By taking photos inside a box that diffuses natural light from all sides, you can remove shadows and give a white, magazine-like finish to your photos.
22 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Photography Forever - Improve Photography
Camera Lens Series: Everything You Need to Know | Click it Up a Notch®
Camera Lens Series: Everything You Need to Know
Getting GREAT Indoor Photos This Christmas!
Getting GREAT Indoor Photos
New: now with template! foldable recycled mirror popup flash bouncer
DIY foldable popup flash bouncer #upcycle #instructable #photo #awesome