
14 Pins
Bite size kiksekage med kondenseret mælk og saltkiks... Bite size kiksekage med kondenseret mælk og saltkiks...
P-tærter med skumfiduser
Utroligt simple p-tærter, som forener det søde med det salt og det bløde med det knasende.
DIY Projects for Junk Around Your Home - LifeHack
Create paper baskets for baked goods with extra paper plates—Would love to try this with colored plates or ones with patterns on them.
People are so amazingly talented! Монастырская постная рыбная кулебяка "Крокодильчик" | Банк кулинарных рецептов
This BBQ Bacon Meatball Recipe Will Change Your Summer Barbecues Forever
BBQ Bacon Onion Beef Balls. #PerfectBBQBzz #BiteSizedBzz
Not sure exactly what this is, only that it 1) looks delicious, and 2) it looks like something my sister, Gloria, would like playing with. She could stand around and knead dough for hours! PJN
Greek Puff Pastry Appetizers with Kalamata Olives | Good Life Eats®
1 c água quente -110°C; 2 .1/4 colh chá de fermento instantâneo; 1/4 c água à temperatura ambiente; 2 colh sopa de azeite de oliva; 4 c farinha; 1.1/2 colh chá de sal - Água quente em uma tigela. Polvilhe fermento sobre a água e deixe descansar por 5 minutos. Adicionar + água e óleo, farinha e sal, combinar tudo. Amasse até obter uma massa lisa e elástica- 5 minutos. Formar uma bola e colocar numa tigela untada, cubra com filme plástico, deixe crescer até dobrar de volume. Pressione para usa...
Food Art for Kids: Fun Ideas Turning Food Into Art Kids Will Love
15 Fun Food Art for Kids Ideas - Give kids the "tools" and the pic and they can create them on their own!
Baked rose potatoes. Dip thin sliced potatoes in melted butter-overlap into a row-roll up and place in buttered cupcake pan and bake until done