Sugar craft

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Handmade Home Decor, jewelry, candles and gift Ideas on Instagram: "#polimerclayart #polimerclay #polimerflowers #clayflowerart #hand_made_gold #hand_made #besthandmade #photopropvendor #homedecorflowers #homedecorwashington #homedecorusa #gift #acozyhouse #modelingflowers #modernclay #modenaclay #flowerartistry #cosmosflower #cosmosflowers"
This may contain: a vase filled with white flowers on top of a table
Creating clay Dahlia
Each petal is hand-rolled from Thai clay. Tinted with oil paints.
This may contain: someone is cutting the petals off of a flower
Анютины глазки изхолодного фарфора. Instagram @k.smorodina_flowers
ЦВЕТЫ РУЧНОЙ РАБОТЫ ИЗ ХОЛОДНОГО ФАРФОРА | ОБУЧЕНИЕ on Instagram: "Врываюсь в ваши ленты с кружевными веточками сирени из холодного фарфора. Настоящая медитация- создание миниатюрных листьев, а затем коры и почек. Но больше всего мне нравится собирать зачаток грозди сирени из крошечных бутонов …."
Cristina Ciovarta - ChristinePaperDesign 🌿 on Instagram: "Only by the magic of paper flowers we can have magnolias in September.... one of my customers asked for a magnolia branch and I couldn't say no 🙈! I hope you will enjoy seeing just a few BTS moments from my creative process... Sculpting and painting the petals is my favorite part of creating this flower... What's yours? #papermagnolia #handpainted #paperartist #crepepaperflowers #paperflorists #handpaintedflowers #paperblooms #paperbotanicals #lifelikeflowers #madefrompaper #imadethis #christinepaperdesign #magnoliabranch #paperflowers #paperart #crepepaperflowers"