Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

215 Pins
Joseph Smith History 1:1-20
Personal Progress Scriptures: Joseph Smith History 1:1-20
A man who crossed the plains as a pioneer in the Martin handcart company of 1856 lived in Utah for many years. One day he was in a group of people who began sharply criticizing the Church leaders for ever allowing the Saints to cross the plains with...
Remembering the Rescue
Crossing the Platte. Rescue of the Willie and Martin handcart companies
JOSEPH SMITH GLOSSY POSTER PICTURE PHOTO latter day saint mormon gold plate 1305 | eBay
Joseph Smith, first prophet of our dispensation
44 Reasons Why The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is True - LDS S.M.I.L.E.
Scenes from the Land of Promise
Scenes from the Land of Promise
Latter-day Saints Yesterday and Today: Beliefs, History, Life
Dignity and Majesty~ rebuking the prison guards 1838
Come Forth (Title of Liberty) — Walter Rane Prints
Come Forth (Title of Liberty) — Walter Rane
ReMEMEber to Read–I MEME it!
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery translate the Book of Mormon - length of time involved.
2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for May Week 2: Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.
2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for May Week 2: Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.