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19 Pins
19 Brilliant Gifts You’ll Want To Keep For Yourself
Some really unique and useful gift ideas!
Recycling Plastic Bottles and Caps for Improving Plastic Bag Storage
Recycling Plastic Bottles and Caps for Improving Plastic Bag Storage
Ten-Sided Yin-Yang Globe Assembly
Paper sculpture... Ten-Sided Yin-Yang Globe Assembly (video tutorial) Gorgeous example here: ... And a pictorial here:
Ten-Sided Yin Yang Globe By Oschene (Philip Chapman-Bell)
Ten-Sided Yin Yang Globe. So sweet. If I had hours of spare time, every gift I give will be wrapped in these!
24 Cute And Incredibly Useful Gift Wrap DIYs
Make your own gift bag:
Making Lunch Boxes Fun - Gift Wrap - Happy Home Fairy
Birthday Lunch! I would have DIED if I got something like this as a kid. Must do someday!
33 Genius Hacks Guaranteed To Make A Parent's Job Easier
The "You Shall Not Pass" sign provides a visual limit to how much toilet paper your child can take.
Time-out bottles. Fill a bottle with 3/4 water, one bottle of glitter glue, ultra fine glitter. Then send this bottle with your child to timeout and they can watch it settle to calm them. Once the glitter is settled their time is up. not a half bad idea...