
58 Pins
Decorating Advice
Mint on top of the run. As it grows the ducks and chickens can eat from it. The scent helps repel insects and rodents.
How and Why to Landscape your Chicken Run
Chicken Run Landscaping - She has some great info, with pictures, of what types of bushes, shrubs and flowers you can plant that are not toxic to chickens AND that they won't eat. ...because apparently, they will eat quite a few plants. She also tells you why these particular plants are beneficial to the chickens.
Chicken Coop Security - Gardens & Chickens & Worms, Oh My!
Dot & Bo – Furniture and Décor for the Modern Lifestyle
Here's a great way to recycle: repurpose a pine floor joist from a 19th-century house as the perfect swing for your yard. Handmade in Pennsylvania, the tree swing encourages kids and the young at heart to let loose and have a little fun in the outdoors. The seat is finished with natural tung oil, and each side comes with 25 feet of manila rope with a 695-pound tension limit. Expect a lot of squeals and laughter with this in your yard! Available at
View from the Top Deck
Chicken coop - I love this little raised-bed garden and coop setup. Too cute!
Animals & Wildlife In The South | Southern Living
chicken house, hen house, chicken coop, great shed for the garden. at the end of season, just let the chickens loose on the garden for clean up!
I might sound like a broken record to those that know me, but I can't say it enough: Using wood ashes for your chickens saves you money. We store them (fireplace ash only, not BBQ coals, etc) and when needed, mix 2 1/2 parts ash to 1 part sand for the chickens to do their dust bathing. And guess what? It keeps mites away. It's been over a year since the last time I bought the bottled mite spray. That and painting the coop with hydrated lime has worked great so far!
Predator proof chicken run
Predator proofing chicken/duck/goose run- love it. or wrap the wire all the way around the bottom and never have a worry that they can get it!
Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!
Have a fish TRAP ALWAYS sitting in the CHICKEN coop. Catches snakes regularly.