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3 Pins
Strengthen your back to enhance your waistline. Try alternate heel touches, air bike, bridge-mountain climber, dead bug, and elbow-to-knee side plank crunch.
Back Sculptor Routine
Strengthen your back to enhance your waistline. Try alternate heel touches, air bike, bridge-mountain climber, dead bug, and elbow-to-knee side plank crunch.
Gawd, i love the rookie.
COP CUTIES, CUTE AND ON DUTY, NAVY BLUE BOOTIES, GO AHEAD AND LOCK ME UP! #therookie #johnnolan #lucychen #angelalopez #nylaharper #timbradford #jacksonwest #aaronthorsen #celinajuarez #copcuties #therookietvseries #netflix #abc #imgonnawinforyoulikeIknowyouwantmetodo