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Posie Gets Cozy: Silver Snow
Clara dress by Alicia Paulson and pattern by Karin Vestergaard Mathiesen on Ravelry
Colossal Shop
Collaborating designer Lucinda Newton-Dunn describes her artwork for these unique furoshiki: “This design is based on the Japanese tradition of origami. Continuing with the theme of folding and wrapping, this design depicts a folded piece of paper, exploring three-dimensionality through line and pattern. At first glance, a quarter of folded furoshiki appears to be decorated with nothing more than bold stripes, but viewed as a whole it transforms into an intricate trompe l’oeil.”
Colossal Shop
This unique furoshiki Mountain Blossom design was created by artist Leah Duncan: “This design was inspired by the famous cherry blossom mountain view in Japan at sunrise. The elements are subtle, which creates a delicate and abstract pattern when the furoshiki is wrapped, folded, and worn.”
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Tämä ohje sisältää kerros kerrokselta selitetyn ohjeen, jotta jokainen uskaltaa kokeilla sukkia. Tämä on tehty suorastaan teille, neulonnan newbies! Continue Reading...
CHRISSY nøglesmor / key strap by SILLEKNOTTE - handmade leather
Produktet “Chrissy” key strap / nøglesnor sælges af SILLEKNOTTE - handmade leather i din Tictail-shop. Tictail lader dig skabe en smuk online shop gratis -
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COTTON/LINEN TWILL DRESS | Supple, weighty, Italian-woven, garment-dyed cotton/linen tail dress