
15 Pins
DIY Modern Farmhouse Murphy Bed with Bookcase
Istedet for sengen er det sliding reoldøre, der dækker åbningen ind til træningsrummet. Reolen kan være en bar med spiritusflasker el.lign.
Diy: Easy, Versatile Pallet Coffee Table • 1001 Pallets
Although we have seen many examples of pallet coffee tables, we never tired of how easy it is to create nice and versatile coffee tables with pallets. Nothing complicated and simply preparing the pallet with a good finish and adding a few feet and you will have an amazing coffee table. You can see t…
Diy Tutorial: Easy Pallet Bar Made Using 2 Pallets • 1001 Pallets
DIY: Outdoor Pallet Bar - easy project using two painted pallets and three concrete pavers, available at the home improvement store. It doesn't get any easier than this!
The WHOot
pallet shelf - super cool way to upcycle and create something unique for your home!
Journal des Femmes : Magazine féminin mode, beauté, déco, cuisine...
Des rangement sur roulettes - Le coffre: roller, sac, parapluie... - Vous avez aménagé le dessous de votre escalier
6 étapes pour rendre des combles habitables
6 étapes pour rendre des combles habitables
Tout savoir pour aménager une petite salle de bains - Elle Décoration
Un petite salle de bains sous les combles