
120 Pins
The Vicious Cycle of Perfectionism and Depression -
Disclosure: Any post may contain links to my shop or affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission from any purchase you make. All opinions about products I use are my own. Read the full disclosure HERE. If you’ve ever found yourself caught in the vicious cycle of perfectionism and depression, you are not …
Buddha's 10 Rules Of Success
Buddha's influence can be seen in many different philosophies in the world...but his thoughts on success might surprise you.
Gratis mindfulness-apps på dansk – de 6 bedste (2023) - Mindfulnessguiden
Leder du efter en gratis mindfulness-app med øvelser på dansk? Der findes efterhånden en række gode gratis mindfulness-apps på dansk - se de 5 bedste her.
What to do when you're depressed and have no motivation to do anything
How to get motivated when you're depressed | depression | depression tips | overcoming depression | productivity | motivation | mental health
24 Things All Therapists Learn That Everyone Should Actually Know
24 Things All Therapists Learn That Everyone Should Actually Know
20 Ways to Relieve Anxiety Naturally and Feel Better
Learn natural remedies for anxiety. Discover 20 ways to relieve anxiety naturally. #healanxietynaturally #relieveanxietynaturally #naturalremediesforanxiety #naturalremedyforanxiety #healanxiety #treatnaxietynaturally
Mental Health Resources: My Planner
Ever since college I have been searching for the perfect planner system. For awhile I was loyal to bullet journaling but it was too unstructured for me. After awhile my bullet journal just became a regular journal and my to-do lists and planner pages got buried and disorganized. Bullet...
25 ways to comfort yourself when you don't know what's wrong — Sarah Steckler
25 Ways to Comfort Yourself When You Don’t Know What’s Wrong
This infographic shows the surprisingly simple basics of mindfulness meditation
This infographic shows the surprisingly simple basics of mindfulness meditation