microplast i grundvandet

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Personal Care Companies Are Lagging on Microbeads, Greenpeace Says
#Microbeads: in your medicine cabinet, they're barely visible. In the oceans, they're a massive nightmare. The world’s largest #personalcare companies are lagging when it comes to removing this destructive ingredient, says Greenpeace — which is advocating for a global ban.
Plastics Don't Disappear, But They Do End Up In Seabirds' Bellies
When bottles and bags are cast out to sea, the debris never truly goes away — it just gets smaller. And these plastic particles, called microplastics, are ready meals for fish and birds.
A big, wet rubbish tip
A... unique infographic, looking at 25 years of waste collected from international shores.
A poluição plástica chegou aonde ninguém pensava que chegaria
Águas de Pontal: A poluição plástica chegou aonde ninguém pensava q...
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