Viking wood turning

Wooden objects from Obetflacht, Germany, late 6th/early 7th century. Anglo-Saxons may have had something similar.
Schöpfer, Schale, Ösfass und Handschaufel: Hölzerne Objekte aus der Wikingersiedlung Haithabu und einige Überlegungen zu Funktionsweise bzw. Verwendungszweck
Wikingerzeitliche Schale aus Haithabu -- Viking Age cup from Hedeby
Viktig information - Sök i samlingarna
bone / horn spoon shank. Viking. Uppland.
311096 Spoon made of horn found at Gotland, Sweden. Iron Age Viking Era or early Medieval - a photo on Flickriver
311096 Spoon made of horn found at Gotland, Sweden. Iron Age Viking Era or early Medieval by saamiblog, via Flickr
Object from the exhibition We call them Vikings produced by The Swedish History Museum
Object from the exhibition We call them Vikings produced by The Swedish History Museum | Flickr - Fotosharing!
10th century, Sala Hytta, Västmanland, Sweden. Small wooden table.
bowl turning – Wooden Way