Gruppe 1

61 Pins
Easy Cement Side Table with Removable Legs
Make a cement side table using a mold such as a plastic plant saucer. The leg mounting plates are cast in place by an easy method so that the legs are detachable. Color your table any color by adding latex paint to the cement mix. Tutorial.
HomeMade Modern EP8.2 Revisiting the $5 Bucket Stool
HomeMade Modern DIY EP8 $5 Bucket Stool Revisited, use 4 legs and 9" high bucket
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DIY concrete side table: Kmart hack concrete side table
Place stand in wet cement
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Blog de jardinage, brico, déco et maison d'un passionné amateur
#concrete #monbeaubeton
Concrete stool...DIY
A crafty blog posting DIY tutorials on upcycling,repurposing and crafting.
Okej... lite mer betong ;-)
Pysselsyssel: Okej... lite mer betong ;-)
DIY & Food Blog mit kreativen Ideen zum Basteln und Selbermachen : DIY Gips / Beton Teelichthalter mit einem Herz ganz einfach selber machen
DIY Gips / Beton Teelichter mit Herz + Anleitung: DIY, Basteln, Selbermachen, Bastelideen, Deko, Dekoration, Betonliebe, Beton, Geschenke, Geschenkidee, Valentinstag...
DIY Kombinerade ljuslyktor och äggkoppar i betong - HUNGRY HEART
DIY Concrete Votive and Egg Cup Step-by-Step Tutorial |