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Transformed urban spaces where a council, city, town, municipality has taken the initiative, come up with the funds and actually transformed a mediocre, unused, ugly space into an inviting and fun public environment.
Seaside promenade at Paseo Marítimo de la Playa Poniente in Benidorm, Spain - studio weave
Fundamentalist flooring
A beautiful, colorful abstract art floor in Mexico City. ----BTW, Please Visit:
Primary School Uses Secondary Colors to Inspire Students
the Ecole Maternelle Pajol is using color & design to stimulate and inspire students. The renovation, by Palatre et Leclere Architectes, was comprised of changes to both the indoor and outdoor spaces of the school. The façade of the building is complete with a full spectrum of colorful rays, creating a focal point out of the multi-level courtyard. Along with the blacktop mural and the vibrant portico, the courtyard of the school was designed as a symbol of optimism within the urban area.
Where The Woolly Things Are
things like this always make me smile, the color, the softness, the idea that someone took the time to add some fun to an urban space.
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Reminds me of the days at SCI-Arc where a 70's era Honda Civic constructed similar art in the Long Gallery and Main Space.
Designer Cooking Schools - The Cool Hunter Journal
well, a fake place but these colors look wonderful together! This would be an awesome public art installation (environmentally safe paint of course).
The Big Rethink Part 11: Urban Design - Architectural Review
ar Essay | 'The Big Rethink: Urban Design' by Peter Buchanan