
950 Pins
I'd like to thank @roxmpls for the Finchley graft... and her super slick move to turn your sock inside out for grafting! I tried to do this with my sts on dpns, and it was a HOT MESS. Switching over to a long circular ndl was a game changer! dpns= double pointed needles sts= stitches The Larch Ped pattern includes a 50-minute detailed video tutorial walking you through every step to knit it successfully. Plus, if you sign up for my newsletter, you'll get a coupon code for 15% of any of my ...
This may contain: a person holding a knitted object in their hand
Оригинальная резинка со скрещенными петлями!
Раппорт 5 петель и 2 ряда Подробное видео в телеграм канале Вязаные Идеи
This may contain: two knitted pieces of cloth being held by someone's hand with the text, how to crochet
Простой узор Имитация резинки! Наберите нечетное количество петель и вяжите по схеме ниже: Базовый ряд: кром, изнаночные, кром. ✔️1 ряд: кром, 2 изн, обвить 2 - ую петлю (смотрите видео), кром. ✔️2 ряд: кром, изнаночные, кром. Повторять 1 и 2 ряды.
This may contain: a woman wearing a pink sweater holding her hand in her pocket with a ring on it
Progetto che prende finalmente vita🥰
Difficulty: Easy Facili da realizzare e sopratutto insoliti • Lana mista alpaca • Ferri n. 3 per i polsi e 4 per la manica
This may contain: a woman is working on her knitting project with scissors and needles in front of the needle
Аккуратные прибавки из петли предыдущего ряда.
This may contain: someone is knitting something with their hands
Аккуратные прибавки при вязании клина большого пальца!
Вяжутся из петли предыдущего ряда с наклоном влево и вправо
This may contain: a woman is holding a piece of fabric with a heart on it