Børnehave ideer

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256 Pins
DIY Instagram Photo Box with the Paper and Packaging Board + A Giveaway!
DIY Instagram Photo Box with the Paper and Packaging Board + A Giveaway! http://www.stylemepretty.com/2015/10/14/diy-instagram-photo-box-with-the-paper-and-packaging-board-a-giveaway/ | Photography: Ruth Eileen - http://rutheileenphotography.com/
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Accordion-fold a strip of paper, and glue the first and last pages to the inside of a box's lid and bottom. Keep some pages empty so the collection can grow.
20 Free Paper Toys for Kids
Free to print Finger Puppets Paper Craft. This is a finger puppet set…
Color the Bremen Town Musicians | Worksheet | Education.com
Worksheets: Color the Bremen Town Musicians