keramik dk 70

43 Pins
Dybdahl from the 70s apartment in the openair museum Den Gamle By Århus - Online Auktioner
Dybdal. Lågterrin med bier af keramik. Signeret samt dateret i bund 1983. Ø. 18 cm. H. 13 cm. Fremstår med minimale afslag.
Dybdahl Candle Holder Danish Studio Pottery Little Mid Century | Etsy
dybdahl candle holder danish studio pottery little by northvintage
Lisa Larson Fox Scandinavian Pottery MidCentury Modern for sale
Lisa Larson Fox Scandinavian Pottery
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Lisa Larson Gustavsberg Sweden Malin Boy by SomethingofInterest, $155.00
北欧家具 北欧インテリア通販サイト greeniche (グリニッチ)
Lisa Larson : cat
CANDLES, 3 pcs, "Advent", Lisa Larson, Gustavsberg.
95467. LJUSSTAKAR, 3 st, "Advent", Lisa Larson, Gustavsberg.