Baby boy <3

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Woman | Danmarks bedste kvindeunivers
built in loft bed, cute and under have Jayvan's tv and gaming systems
Se resten af hjemmet, hvor et af Pinterests mest populære børneværelser er indrettet
a little 'walk up' window in the closet! so cute!
Så skapar du en klassisk New England-stil hemma – 7 inredningsknep
DIY under the table hammock, by Joyful Abode
The Elusive Baby Handprint
How to remember that baby handprint after it's gone...make a copy...literally.
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Pottery Barn Kids Inspired: How to Build a Letter A Bookshelf | Home Stories A to Z
I love the shelf around the bed for books. My son has to have a stack of books in his crib at night, so this would be great for when he gets his big boy bed. He can still have books within reach without crowding the bed!