Montre inspiration

59 Pins
10 Everyday Things That Have Been Totally Torn Down
When ‌• every ‌• thing ‌• is ‌• taken ‌• apart ‌• and ‌• lined ‌• up ‌• you ‌• can ‌• really ‌• start ‌• to ‌• under ‌• stand ‌• how ‌• the ‌• universe ‌• works.
See an Autopsy of the Original Mac and Other Iconic Gadgets
See an Autopsy of the Original Mac and Other Iconic Gadgets | Wired Design | --The new book Things Come Apart, Canadian photographer Todd McLellan --
Dead Bug Prototyping and Freeform Electronics
Dead bug prototyping and freeform electronics are a way of building working electronic circuits, by soldering the parts directly together instead of using a printed circuit board. This clock is made entirely from discreet parts. Nothing but Diodes, resistors, transistors, and LEDs. There are no ICs, no crystal, no input other than 12v, or buttons to control it. There are nearly 2,000 part, all soldered together to make this circuit work.
Egypt Museum
White Chapel of Senusret I Relief depicting king Senusret I (r. 1971-1926 BC) making an offering of wine to the ithyphallic god Min-Amun, detail from decoration of the White Chapel of Senusret I, Karnak Open Air Museum.
Egypt: Tombs of Luxor - Smit & Palarczyk
'Gazelle in Ankhhor's tomb at Luxor.' This gazelle, wearing a lotus flower around its neck, is part of the reliefs that adorn the Sun Cou...
Laura Bartlett Gallery on Instagram: “Marie Lund, Torso, 2015, concrete, cotton, 45 x 65 x 6cm #LBGarchive #MarieLund #torso #sweater @laurabartlettgallery”