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Traditional Woven Chair Seats | Popular Woodworking
Weave Traditional Chair Seats Traditional techniques and modern materials produce attractive, durable results. by Tim Johnson Visit any antique or second-hand furniture store and you’ll find great old chairs—such as these solid cherry ladderbacks—that are bargain priced because their woven seats have worn out. In fact, any chair with round rails or dowels used to form the seat frame can have a splint or a rush seat installed. The choice …
Christian Desile, created this award-winning folding chair ($335) from one single slice of board, so it takes up almost no space until you need a seat.
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The 2F Folding Chair is so named because it has a profile of less than an inch, and a different appearance on each side. Designed by Hannu Kähönen, the birch plywood chair can be stored completely flat, and generates virtually no waste wood during production.It's scheduled for release this spring from Martela."I wanted to keep it very simple, with few mechanical parts, so that when it's flat it looks like a graphic outline more than a chair." is For Sale | BrandBucket
With technology getting better, design is becoming more practical and stylish.
The amazing furniture works of Bae Se-hwa, part 2 - Core77
The amazing furniture works of Bae Se-hwa, part 2
Wood Casting by Hilla Shamia
wood casting, hilla shamia pours molten aluminum directly onto tree trunks to create natural and modern pieces.
DesignTrade + Interiors Trends For Fall/Winter 2014 — decor8
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They seems like quick sketches on a notebook but they are black steel chairs, designed by the Japanese studio Nendo, in exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery of London