
This Japanese Forest Home Is Like Something Out Of A Fairytale
This tiny house in Japan is like something straight out of a fairytale.
Put These Bug-Repelling Mason Jars Outside and Mosquitoes Will Stay Far Away All Summer
All-Natural Mosquito Repellant Mason Jar
Wanderlust | Yoga & Music Events, Classes, Studios & Apparel
How Yoga Might Save the U.S. Trillions of Dollars and A Lot of Lives by forbes via yoganonymous: The evidence for the benefits for modalites such as mindfulness and yoga is based in cutting edge neuroscience, trauma research and somatic psychology. Moreover, ' This is simple. Anyone can do this, anytime, anywhere. If you can move, if you can breathe, then you can do the practice.' #Economics #School_Retention #Sociology #Health #Neuroscience #Yoga
Lady bugs are a natural pest control- fill a 4"x1' long tube with sticks, the lady bugs will make it their home and watch over your garden
22 Tips for Growing Perfect Tomatoes! ~ "“I grew tomatoes last year and mixed epsom salt and egg shells. I put the mixture both in the hole before planting and once a month I replenished around the base of the plant. I had so many tomatoes I had to give half away.”