
تقويم جذاب للأطفال.. يمكنهم ضبط التوقيتات المناسبة للصلوات حسب المكان والزمان وبالتالي تذكرها.. نشاط ممتع و محفز ♡
Tips to Make the Most Out of This Ramadan #infographic
Tips to Make the Most Out of This Ramadan #infographic #Ramadan #Health
About Islam
Although Ramadan is over halfway done, don't slow down! Keep your spirituality high!
Preparing for Ramadan: The Concept of Two and Top 11 Ways to Prepare The Soul for A Spiritual Ramadan
Ramadhan is once more upon us, a time for piety and penance, for abstinence and absolution. As practitioners of the Muslim faith go about their month of fasting, let us all enlighten ourselves by exploring the significance of this holiest of times in Islam.