{ Link collection // Reversibility project }

Child' s Own Studio
This company will craft a real toy from a child's drawing. Absolutely AMAZING!!
Power of One #Point – Refracting laser light installation by Shohei Fujimoto
power of one #point. ある一定の規則に基づいた要素群に対して入力された価値は、その内部で遷移し、増減する。一つ一つの要素は価値を受け取り、保持した価値を他の要素に与える媒体となる。入力された価値の遷移、増減は要素群の内部で静かに連続的に繰り返され、その内部で生...
Kom #forandigitalt - Giv din forretning vokseværk - Alexandra Instituttet
Alexandra Instituttet - Interactive Spaces Lab
Alexandra Instituttet | Uvildig Rådgiver | Kontakt Os
Nordlys. Nordlys is an interactive urban sound- and light installation. The soundscape is designed to create a calming and relaxing atmosphe...
Philips Experience Design | Philips
An ambient experience concept to reduce work-related stress
SLOW FURL - A collaboration between Mette Ramsgard Thomsen and Karin Bech
▶ SLOW FURL - A collaboration between Mette Ramsgard Thomsen and Karin Bech - YouTube
Morphing Magic Table Surface
Morphing Magic Table Surface
Driving motors, CHEAPLY, with an Arduino (Shallow Thoughts)
Two motors, one h-bridge
Dual Motor Driver With Arduino Using a SN754410NE Quad Half H-Bridge
Dual Motor Driver with Arduino using a SN754410NE Quad Half H-Bridge