
234 Pins
"Yo no le pregunto a la persona herida cómo se siente, yo me convierto en la persona herida" ~ Walt Whitman
Yule style!! GROW SOME!! Plants to grow indoors for the colder months! Add some green to your later winter rooms! - All About Garden
Yule style!! GROW SOME!! Plants to grow indoors for the colder months! Add some green to your later winter rooms!
150,000 Photographs Used to Show the Hidden Colors of the Moon
150,000 Photos Used Show the Hidden Colors of the Moon
Astrophotographer Shoots 50,000 Photos to Create One Stunning Image of the Moon
Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy shot a staggering 50,000 images to create this one stunning piece of lunar photography.
Historias de alumnos: Claudia Cabrero - Hello! Creatividad
Así aprendió a hacer fotos como esta Claudia Cabrero en dos años con cursos online #fotografía #retrato
Fotografare il cibo: 5 trucchi low-cost per preparare il set migliore
Or use plywood for a more durable box you could breakdown and reuse...
Photography Hack: How to Use a Phone Screen to Create Enchanting Portraits
Photographer Mathias Fast has a clever photography hack that requires only a DSLR camera and your smartphone.