sewing stuff

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🚀 DIY Travel Bag with Trolley Sleeve | How to make a Carry On Underseat Luggage - diy pouch and bag with sewingtimes
🚀 DIY Travel Bag with Trolley Sleeve | How to make a Carry On Underseat Luggage
How to Make a Bra. Free Tutorial & Pattern
One of the most satisfying and useful things to be able to make yourself is a bra. This is especially true if you take a larger or ‘awkward’ size, and have trouble finding attractive and well-fitting bras in the shops. This week, I’ll be showing you how to sew a bra from scratch at home. Today, I’ll be showing you one way to draft your own custom-fit bra pattern.
Clases de patronaje y costura online
En nuestra Academia online aprenderás a realizar una transformación creativa de cuello camisero. En este caso vamos a realizar un bonito juego de pliegue con la solapa del cuello y la atraparemos dentro del cruce camisero de la blusa o vestido.
How-To: Turn Men's suit pants into Women's slacks
Of Dreams and Seams: How-To: Turn Men's suit pants into Women's slacks
28 Women Introduce the Allure of Vintage Noir to Modern Minimalist Style
A stunning image showcases a beautiful woman in a black dress with a stylish belt, effortlessly combining vintage noir with the elegance of modern minimalism. Her outfit exudes timeless sophistication and captures the essence of both classic and contemporary fashion. The black dress accentuates her figure while the belt adds a touch of refinement. This ensemble is perfect for a night out or any occasion where she wants to make a statement.