The war of 1864 in Denmark

In 2014 it is 150 years since Denmark lost the duchies Slesvig, Holsten and Lauenborg in the war of 1864. The war was against Prussia and Austria and the reason for the conflict was Slesvig because of the nationalism that really started to blossom at this time. The defeat had huge consequences for Denmark and meant that Denmark was reduced from a great power to a small state. On this board you can find links (most in Danish) about the war of 1864 to both academic and non-academic sources.
17 Pins
10y is a webpage made by the history department of Aarhus University. They have made an entire section about the 1864 war with articles, original sources, photos, a quiz, myths about the war and much more.
Tom Buk-Swienty - 1864 - Dommedag Als og Slagtebænk Dybbøl
Tom Buk-Swienty shows around at the battlefields.
The Christmas aquavit by Aalborg Akvavit in 2014 also marks the anniversary of the war in 1864. The bottle is inspired by bottles from the 19th century and on it there are a Danish soldier and a Prussian soldier touching glasses with aquavit. Aquavit was a part of the field ration in the war.
Den Kongelige Livgardes Musikkorps - Den Tapre Landsoldat
“Dengang jeg drog afsted” was written by Peter Faber just after the first battle in the first Slesvigian war. It is full of nationalism and became a big hit among the people. It was also used as motivation for the soldiers in the second Slesvigian war. Later, the melody, which is composed by Emil Hornemann, was also used in other countries, for instance in the USA during the civil war.
Dybbøl Mølle
Dybbøl mill was placed at the battlefield at Dybbøl and was destroyed both in first Slesvigian war (1848-1850) and in 1864. It was rebuilt after both wars and today you can see exhibits about the history and what it has meant as a place of remembrance for both Denmark and Germany.
Dybbøl : The reconstruction of Denmark's most significant memorial landscape
An introduction in English to the history of Dybbøl.
Most Danes know the song “Mallebrok er død i krigen i 1864”, but Mallebrok has nothing to do with the war in 1864. Probably Mallebrok is supposed to be the English general John Churchill, the duke of Marlborough (1650-1722). In the beginning of the 18th century the name Marlborough became Marlbrouck in a French song. It is not known when it came to Denmark, but supposedly when Danish children started to sing it the war in 1864 was the war they knew about – hence Mallebrok er død i kringen i 1864
Velkommen til Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke
History center Dybbøl Banke is a museum where you can experience the history of 1864 with all your senses!
Danmarks Killing Fields - Lars Lilholt
Danish singer Lars Lilholt often writes songs about historic events and has also made one about the war in 1864 with an amazing music video.
During 2014 Tøjhusmuseet has a special exhibit about the war of 1864.
“Højt fra træets grønne top” is known as a Christmas song, but have you ever thought about how nationalistic it really is? It is about both drums and the Danish flag on the Christmas tree - something that became common in the 19th century as a result of the nationalism. The song is written in 1848 by Peter Faber, who also wrote “dengang jeg drog afsted”
Brætspillet 1864
Believe it or not there is actually made a board game about the 1864 war!
Museum Sønderjylland - masser af oplevelser for voksne og børn
Sønderborg Castle is a castle with a lot of history! It was built in the first half of the 13th century and today it is a museum that tells the story of the area of southern Jutland.
Borders of Belonging: Experiencing History, War and Nation at a Danish Heritage Site | Berghahn Books
A book in English written by associate professor of Anthropology at Aarhus University Mads Daugbjerg which investigates how two different institutions presents the history of 1864 and how the history is experienced by the visitors. It is based on very through research!