
17 Pins
Sweet Sneak Studio's photo series puts the focus on microplastics in the food chain
The sushi roll photo replaces the usual seaweed wrap with blue and grey plastic grocery bags, while the image of a glass of beer has styrofoam beads in place of its frothy head.
How to Keep Seniors Cool in Hot Weather: 10 Tips – DailyCaring
Get 10 ways to keep seniors cool in hot weather. Older adults are more vulnerable to heat stroke because their bodies don't adapt as well to high temps.
Glug is on a mission to create the world’s largest database of climate protest posters
'More Planet Less Plastic' Sticker by jitterfly
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Humusaufbau im Garten: So hilft er dem Klima - Plantura
Das ist eine wunderbare Anleitung, wie man aktiv Humus im Garten aufbauen kann. #bodenlebewesen #humusaufbau #gesunde nahrungsmittel #gesunde pflanzen #gesunder garten
. thought provoking poster Climate Change . Annabel POSTER / GRAPHIC design
OSAKA, Japan —Leaders from the Group of 20 nations renewed their vow to take action to curb climate change on Saturday, as the United States once again stood apart and at odds with the rest of the world. President Trump — who at times appeared not to grasp the difference between global warming and air pollution — dismissed the worldwide push for climate action and denied that any aggressive response to curb the world’s greenhouse gas emissions was necessary.