
14 Pins
Building a Camper Trailer From Scratch: Exciting Adventure in 11 Steps
If you love the idea of your own camper trailer, but don’t like the price tag, you can always build your own.
Se billederne: Det her hus er så sejt, at du aldrig har lyst til at forlade det
Se billederne af huset i New Zealand på en fredfyldt skråning midt i den fantastiske natur cirka 50 kilometer nord for Auckland.
Seven Ways to Build Fires Without a Match
Friction-Based Fire Making Rubbing two sticks together is likely the oldest of all -fire-starting techniques, and also the most difficult. Besides proper technique, you have to choose the right wood for the fireboard and spindle. Sets made from dry softwoods, including aspen, willow, cottonwood, and juniper, are preferred, although a spindle made from a slightly harder wood, combined with a softer fireboard, can also work.