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Lav gips-afstøbning af dyrespor
Fodspor fra forskellige dyr. Kig i en bog om spor, hvis du vil have et mere præcist billede af sporet. Tegning: Eva Wulff.
How to Make Fire With a Lemon - Fact or Fiction?
Camping Hack: How to Make Fire With a Lemon (Fact or Fiction?) - I thought this was a pretty clever, although not terribly practical idea. While you may not have these types of items lying around (zinc nails anyone? :)), it just goes to show you what might be possible if SHTF.
761 Synes godt om, 34 kommentarer – Forrest (@ulfhednarvinlands) på Instagram: "Tried my hand at a #TryStick using the Valkyrie, I did alot better than I expected and as for the…"
How to Start a Fire: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Build the Perfect Survival Fire
Underground Camp Fire
1. Dig the fire chamber. Excavate a pit 1 foot in diameter and 1 foot deep. Now widen the base of the chamber a few inches so it has a juglike shape. This lets you burn larger pieces of wood.2. Dig the air tunnel. Start a foot away from the edge of the chamber, on the upwind side, and carve out a molelike tunnel 5 or 6 inches in diameter, angling down toward the base of the fire chamber.3. Build your fire in the chamber and top the hole with a grate or green saplings stout enough to hold a p...