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Get Your Martha on with these Last Minute Egg Ideas
Journaling eggs: http://www.stylemepretty.com/living/2014/04/04/diy-easter-eggs-that-will-wow/
Solitary Ostara Ritual
Happy Eostre, or Ostara (which ever you choose:) Either way its the celebration of birth and renewal rebirth! :)
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Happens to be an Etsy wreath, but easy enough to make. Only thing is, I'm not sure purple is the primary color of Ostara?
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Orange Bunny Rolls, Easter & Spring Fun Foods & Creative Cuisine (includes directions, though pre-made refrigerated dough could also be used)
How to make Seed Bomb Easter Eggs
How to make Seed Bomb Easter Eggs - Seed bombs, if you've not heard of them are a method of populating areas with plants. The term was first coined back in the seventies when the Green Guerrilla movement first started. You will need: A carton of eggs, Some wild flower seed, Transfer letters (or if you have pretty handwriting, a non-toxic pen), A large needle (darning type), A candle.
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Earthy Witch Broom #wicca en relative le balai des sorcière est un outil de purification. A la fois de l'espace rituelllique, pour le préparer et le rendre propre de toutes inscriptions vibratoires. Et en même temps pour effacer toutes traces derrières
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Easter Egg Bread. I grew up with my mom making this, so I followed this recipe last year, minus the orange peel and almonds. It was really yummy!
Ēostre Ritual - Write Your intentions ( health, happiness, Fertility, Love ) on an egg for Ēostre Night then bury it and plant a seed or flower above the egg and watch it grow
Spring Equinox: «The Wheel of the Year» #Ostara occurs on or near the Spring Equinox, when day and night are equal. It is a time of balance, where unnecessary things, thoughts, and habits are thrown away to make room for the new. The Anglo-Saxon Dawn Goddess Eostre, whose symbols are the hare and egg, gained her greatest influence during this time of year .:¦:. Artist Megan Welti.
all natural easter egg dye recipes
Spring Equinox: Natural egg dye recipes for the #Spring #Equinox.