
Super chunky wool blanket from Ohhio
this literally looks like heaven i need that blanket asap
Fresh linen on our bed including new season @kateandkatehome I'm super keen to jump in here tonight and get some beauty sleep. I hope you all had a magical weekend
Knitting and Crochet Kits, Yarns, and Supplies
How to knit Herringbone Stitch with Wool and the Gang.
Strikkeopskrifter | af Pernille Cordes
Tunesian crochet pillow with triangles. Pattern available on Ravelry
Crowdfunding : Braid, la pelote à tresser du studio Ohhio - Blog Esprit Design
Le studio de design ukrénien Ohhio présente Braid, une pelote permettant la création de multiples accessoires tressés DIY ou déjà tricotés.
50 of the BEST DIY Gift Ideas
50 of the BEST DIY Gift Ideas - The Idea Room Arm Knit Scarf