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The Root Chakra Definitive Guide With 10 Actionable Healing Methods
The #Rootchakra Definitive Guide With 10 Actionable Healing Methods #chakrahealing #allchakra
How to Heal the Crown Chakra; The Spiritual Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara (Thousand petalled) Location: Top of the head Color: Violet or white Element: None The crown chakra is our center of knowledge as well as our connection to divinity, spirituality and everything in the universe, physical or otherwise. Being spiritual is not necessarily being religious and religious people aren’t necessarily spiritual. Spirituality is knowing in your heart and soul that there is a higher power and that we are connected to it and everything around us. ...
How to Heal the Third Eye Chakra; The Psychic Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
Our third eye chakra is our sixth sense, if you will. It is the center of our intuition and wisdom. Sanskrit Name: Ajna (command) Location: Forehead (generally speaking) Color: Indigo Element: All Just like animals can sense changes in the environment that we can’t, such as earthquakes and weather changes, we have the ability to sense things that are not apparent or obvious. In the past, we needed this intuition to be aware of our surroundings and predict potential threats to survive. As we’v...
How to Heal the Heart Chakra; The Love Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
Sanskrit Name: Anahata (Unhurt, unbeaten) Location: Center of the chest Color: Green Element: Air The …
How to Heal The Throat Chakra; The Push-Over Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (especially pure) Location: Throat Color: blue Element: Ether The throat chakra is our center of truth and self expression. It governs our ability to express ourselves through our opinions and voice. This was my most blocked chakra for most of my life. There are people I have known my entire life that have never heard me speak. I’ve always had a problem with believing that no one cared about what I had to say. We’ve all been there. You’re in a group of people and try...
How to Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra; The Success Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
The solar plexus chakra or the "success" and "energy" chakra and all of it's associations as well as how they are harmed + how to heal them
How to Heal the Root Chakra; The Money Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
Your root chakra or money chakra can be damaged throughout life. Healing it with food, essential oils, mantras or crystals can be helpful to have in your en
How to Heal the Sacral Chakra; The Creative Chakra ⋆ Earth and Water
The sacral chakra is the creativity chakra. It can be damaged throughout life causeing all sorts of physical and mental problems. Ways to heal it include fo
Chakra Healing and Support | Chakra Art | C2 Paint Color Consultation
Almaas: chakraene er de emotionelle tilstandes råenergi. Når de åbnes, opleves dybe intense enenergifyldte og dramatiske følelser af udvidelse, frihed og lys. Når de åbnes med kundalini, har de en elektrisk kvalitet., bevidstheden tryllebundes og personen søger igen og igen, disse oplevelser. Nogle skoler anser chakraenergien for et blålys der fører eleven på afveje, andre skoler stagnerer her og opdager ikke essensens dybe kraft
How to Use Chakra Healing to Transform Your Life
Chakra chants #chakra (om ham yam ram vam lam)
Crystal Healing For The Chakras: A Beginners Guide To The Chakras And Chakra Balancing With Crystals
Chakra Chart: Chakra Balancing and Clearing with Crystals in just 10 Minutes. Try this Chakra Hack from my new book 'Crystal Healing for the Chakras' by Ethan Lazzerini #Chakras #Crystals #infographic