Walk-in closet

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Hannah’s Inspiring Oakland Studio
Name: Hannah Ruskin and her dog, Stella Location: McClymonds — Oakland, California Size: 700 square feet Years lived in: 2.5 years; Rented Having previously used her Oakland live-work space for her now thriving business, Hannah is happy she can now claim the space as her own. Although her small studio continues to allow her to work on creative projects, most of her work from home is personal in nature, whether crafting at her desk or caring for more than 40 flourishing plants.
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Hannes åbne garderobe er blevet et kæmpe hit på Pinterest - og du kan nemt efterligne den
Light, feminine and nice walk-in closet with a touch of pink - Specially made shelves and an old metal rod make up a super wardrobe solution.
Industrial Design Möbel maßgefertigt online kaufen
Offener Kleiderschrank, offene Garderobe aus Stahlrohr. Wir fertigen dir dein Rohrgerüst mit Wunschmaßen und helfen dir gern, ein passendes Regalbrett und Kommoden zu finden. // Open wardrobe made of water pipe. We manufacture your custom steel pipe frame and will also assist you with finding the perfect accessories.