Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

155 Pins
Study Finds Women Leaders Encounter 30 Distinct Types of Discrimination in the Workplace
Study Finds Women Leaders Encounter 30 Distinct Types of Discrimination in the Workplace
Lessons a president learned teaching high school students (opinion)
Lessons a president learned teaching high school students (opinion)
It’s time to change our perception of who goes to college.
There's no such thing as the “enrollment cliff.”
I’m a university president. Here’s what Florida’s Gov. DeSantis doesn’t get about college students | Opinion
Gen Z requires no prodding by college professors to stand up for social justice or oppose systems of oppression | Opinion
Exploring Transgender Law and Politics
Exploring Transgender Law and Politics - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Opinion | Women Do Higher Ed’s Chores. That Must Change.
Women Do Higher Ed’s Chores. That Must Change.
Learning the ‘Unspoken Rules’
Learning the ‘Unspoken Rules’
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate Program | USF Muma College of Business
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate | USF Muma College of Business
How Hispanic-Serving Institutions Are Increasing Opportunity for Community College Transfer Students
About the data: Based on National Student Clearinghouse analysis of fall 2014 undergraduate enrollment and outcomes of students transferring from community colleges to four-year nonprofit Hispanic-serving institutions. Chart by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program.
Why Faculty of Color Are Leaving Academe
Why Faculty of Color Are Leaving Academe
New England developing new guaranteed transfer pathways
New England developing new guaranteed transfer pathways
President Speaks: I was a first-gen student. Here's what's changed, and what work is left to do.
President Speaks: I was a first-gen student. Here's what's changed, and what work is left to do. | Higher Ed Dive
Beyond Completion: Post-Completion Efforts at Hispanic-Serving Institutions | Excelencia in Education
Post-completion success for Latino students is a conscious campus-based conversation that is gaining traction and support. This brief outlines evolving approaches and discussions to better understand post-completion success at seven Hispanic-Serving Institutions.