For the Home

185 Pins
Shoe Storage, Shoe Storage Bench, Entryway Bench, Industrial Bench, Handmade, Wood Bench, Entry Bench, Shoe Organiser, Shoe Rack, Bench - Etsy UK
Look at this amazing idea for all those messy shoes under the stairs. Made by us at Ineko Home, our 3 seater Wire Shoe Rack Bench is the perfect
ELLE - Mode
ELLE Decoration udlodder, i samarbejde med Sika-Design, Franco Albinis 'Belladonna'-sofa. Læs mere og deltag i konkurrencen om den elegante sofa lige her!
Smart, Simple Secrets from a Stylish Scandinavian Small Space
As we see time and time again, Scandinavian design works so beautifully and elegantly in small spaces thanks to a generous use of white and sleek furniture. In this apartment we found on Alvhem Brokerage and Interior, we spotted several design secrets that make this small space particularly work well — and they're ideas you could translate for your own small home.
Dæk et kreativt påskebord
Uanset om du skal holde påskefrokost eller forårsfest, er det rart med lidt fornyelse på bordet. Vi guider dig til, hvordan du selv kan dække et kreativt påskebord og give din forårsfest et moderne tvist!
#dressing sous pente!
Six Steps to a Fun, Fresh and Functional Home Office Avenue Lifestyle
A touch of wood to your space.
Boform Snedkerkøkken - Eksklusivt Dansk Design Køkken
Soveværelset med kreativ udnyttelse af pladsen
køb og salg af nyt og brugt
Ophæng, Umbra, Tangle Photo Display fra Urban Outfitters. I krom. Ubrugt.