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11 Pins
Having a no-spend weekend can save some serious money! Here are 35 things to do that don't cost a dime (plus a free printable).
A Simple 7 Day Plan To Help You Stay Productive! - LifeHack
7 day plan to help you stay productive tumblr_n2c3ewnzO21ssl0n0o1_1280
DesignTAXI Community: Creative Connections, Conversations and Collaborations
Infographic: How To Tell If Someone Is Lying To You - DesignTAXI.com
How to Get the Most Energy Out of Your Day
Need more energy to get you through Monday? Here's how to get the most energy out of your day. (infographic)
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Nice graphic to prepare for the week with less stress and more opportunity to set your intention and meet your expectations. High performance habits to embrace in the morning
50 things to do by yourself | Jo ChunYan
FREE PRINTABLE LIST REMINDERS : 50 Things To Do By Yourself For all those times when you are alone or feel alone. For people who love nature, spirituality, yoga, cooking, reading, creating and running free with their hearts. For the full blog post go to http://www.jochunyan.com