Christian Prayer Resources

Christian resources, articles, podcasts, + videos with fresh and simple ways to practice God’s presence, experience Jesus in Gospel stories, engage in spiritual disciplines, quiet your heart, listen to God, meditate, and be renewed in your daily life and activities. They’re great for personal devotions, spiritual mentoring, retreats, and small groups.
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Prayer Guides to Hear God's Voice & Grow Spiritually
By quieting your heart to listen to God in Scripture you can better hear God's voice and grow spiritually. These prayer guides are great for personal devotions, spiritual mentoring, retreats, and small groups. #soulshepherding
Christian Journaling Prompts | Free Immanuel Journaling Worksheet
Download this free Immanuel Journaling worksheet which uses prompts to guide you in writing a conversational prayer to the Lord in which you share your personal need and emotion and receive his empathy and encouragement. It’s a great for your personal devotions or to share with your small group. #soulshepherding #biblestudy #freechristianresources #devotionsforwomen #devotionaljournalideas #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth
12 Guidelines for Speaking & Writing
If you speak from a pulpit, classroom, blog, podcast, or small group you have a great opportunity to bless people. Check out this article for how to give a life-changing message. #soulshepherding #speaking #writing
A Prayer for Battling Depression
As I prayed I felt the Holy Spirit warm my body and lift my spirits. I experienced the joy of the Lord return to me. The Good Shepherd rescued me from the pit of depression. As you read this, I pray that you would find refuge in Christ and that his joy would permeate your body and soul. I pray that you would go forward to face your challenges in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May you be blessed by God to be a blessing to others. #soulshepherding #spiritualwarfare #prayingthepsalms
God's Love Letter to You
What if God were to write a letter to you? It’d be a love letter! Have you read the Bible as being God’s love letter to you? That’s what it is! I know you don’t deserve it — neither do I. That’s the point. God’s love is unconditional. This compilation of paraphrases from the Bible brings home to us the message of God’s grace for those who trust in Christ. Check out the letter to let the love of God flow through you today! #soulshepherding #bibleverses #scripturestudy #love #christiandevotions
Simple Steps For Praying and Meditating on Scripture
By using a rhythm of breathing to pray a favorite verse of the Bible you can better appreciate God’s presence and be renewed in your daily life and activities. Use this classic approach to continual prayer for personal devotions, spiritual mentoring, retreats, and small groups. This prayer guide includes steps for breathing prayers with Scripture, Bible verses with brief introductions, and prompts for prayer, journaling, or soul talk. #soulshepherding #breathprayer #scripture #meditation
A Prayer to Face Your Fears and Experience Peace
We all want to experience more peace and we all go about it the wrong way: we withdraw from difficult things. But this weakens us. When you keep avoiding a situation you’re afraid or stressed by it provides momentary relief, but in the end it actually strengthens your fear and anxiety. Check out this “Shalom Prayer” to help you face your fears. It’s inspired by Jesus’ words in John 14. It will help you to be present to God, his Word and Spirit, if you breathe the words in and out. #coronavirus
Transforming Your Heart
It is in the heart that real change must begin. God sends his Word and Spirit to us and we respond by putting our faith (trust and confidence, leaning the whole weight of our being) in Christ. As we connect with Christ we come alive with his abundant, eternal, God-kind of life. We can think of our “spiritual formation” in Christ as interacting with God in the renovation of our heart or the forming of our spirit or will. #transformation #spiritualformation #inspiringquotes #spiritualquotes
Christian Parenting | Raising Your Child to Love God
Psychological research shows that children’s relationship with their mother has the most influence on how they imagine, trust, and relate to God. There are many building blocks to make a healthy soul in your child: trust, self-awareness, boundaries, forgiveness, self-esteem, motivation, stress tolerance, empathy, personal responsibility, resilience, and courage. All of these dimensions of your child’s personality and well-being come from their image of God. #motherhood #identity #family #soul
What the Bible Really Means When it Says "Do Not Be Anxious"
Why all the anxiety? We try to do too much in a day. We push ourselves to achieve our goals. We don’t know how to rest. We get “stressed out”, which is really stressed in. It’s anxiety. We may try not to feel distressed, isolate, and go dark. Anxiety comes as we worry or fixate on troubles, and this anxiety is, at the root, a control problem. When you or I are anxious, it’s because we’re trying to control things: how we feel, what people think of us, or the outcomes of situations in our lives.
A Love Letter to Jesus
Many Christians are embarrassed to show enthusiastic and affectionate devotion for Christ. Let’s be bold! Let your heart for Jesus hang out to bless others, don’t worry about what people think. So I offer my love letter to Jesus for you to read. I do so with a prayer that the Lord Jesus would be your True Love and your Soul Mate today and everyday. #soulshepherding #freechristianresources #christianrelationshipgoals #biblestudy #devotional #journalideas #inspiringspiritualquotes
Pastor's Wife Bible Verses
Stereotypes can be crushing on a pastor’s wife! But the Bible supports the uniqueness of each pastor’s wife. The Bible actually has a lot to say to support a pastor’s wife’s unique personality, needs, gifts, and ministry service or leadership. Check out these important pastor’s wife scriptures that offer guidance and encouragement to the pastor’s wife who has questions about her role. #soulshepherding #ministry #biblestudy #christianrelationshipgoals #womeninministry #ministrystress #bibleverse
A Bible Study on Pain + Suffering
Why does God allow suffering? If he is all-good and all-powerful couldn’t he stop injustice? We’ve all asked this question. For all of human history people have wrestled with question of why does God allow suffering. Much of the pain and suffering that we experience or see others going through is undeserved. It’s hard to accept. Let’s consider the context for studying this question and what the Bible says about suffering. #soulshepherding #depression #pain #transformation #trustgodintrials
God's Plan for Marriage | Cultivating a Healthy Relationship
In marriage husbands and wives can become faithful friends who care for and encourage one another as they share their hopes and fears, their joys and sorrows. This is God’s design. And it makes a strong foundation from which to live. If your spouse is not a supportive friend, there are things that you can do — even without your spouse’s help — to improve your relationship. #christianmarriageresources #christianrelationshipgoals #conflictresolution #healthymarriage #personalgrowthsteps #love
Loving Your Neighbor | How to Quietly Bless Those Around You
Practicing solitude and silence are the most important spiritual disciplines for people today. In our busy, noisy world we need to “unhook” and get away in order to be alone and be ourselves with God. In solitude and silence you’re learning to stop doing, stop producing, stop pleasing people, stop entertaining yourself, stop obsessing — stop doing anything except to simply be yourself before God and be found by him. #soulshepherding #apprenticeofjesus #mentalhealth #nature #solitude #silence