Bits and Pieces

242 Pins
La Maison Desny Tea Service - Kamm Teapot Foundation
La Maison Desny (France) Tea Service c. 1930 silver-plated metal
Delightful gifts. - DomestikatedLife
Honey Bee- Super cute but I think it would make me sad to scoop the honey out of the bee body.
The incredible designs of Porntip Sangvanich Originally from Thailand, she is now operating a studio in Los Angeles, California. Her work is deservedly featured in museums the world over. This is a gallery of stylish teaporn!
ポットの常識を覆す凄いヤツ!SORAPOT | GIGAMEN ギガメン
Kim Kardashian
- Christofle 1925 Coffeepot - from
Linda Threadgill Puzzle Tea Set - Kamm Teapot Foundation
Linda Threadgill (American, b. 1947) Puzzle Tea Set 2010