WorkinG 9 TO 5

37 Pins
Hemma i fotografens eklektiska och designfyllda hem | An Interior Affair
Hemma i fotografens eklektiska och designfyllda hem | An Interior Affair
SFGirlByBay | Substack
desk area in interior designer anouk Taeymans' antwerp apartment. / sfgirlbybay
Light & Beauty in a Barcelona Artist’s Apartment-Atelier
Joana's artistic adventures began about ten years ago. She started studying graphic design, but felt something was missing, so she jumped to creative illustration and painting, where she's found her passion. Animals play a big part in her art, and she enjoys experimenting with recycling surfaces instead of using canvases only.
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Inside the Designer Nadia Olive Schnack’s Colorful Home (Published 2018)
Inside the Designer Nadia Olive Schnack’s Colorful Home - The New York Times