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Influential fashion photographer Paolo Roversi on nudity. - Shop: @ohgoodgoods @ellofashion @ellofashionphotography #fashion #makeup #portrait #portraitphotography #makeupart #makeupartist …
Lady Clementina Hawarden, one of Britain's first female photographers
The photos taken in the 1860s by Lady Hawarden rank as one of Britain's first ever fashion shoots. She enlisted her daughters as models and got to work with a stereoscopic camera.
Kensington, London (22 June 1906) / Edwardian photograph / Girl running / long dress, plaits, hat /
A peep into time and life of 1800's through some rare fascinating images
A peep into time and life of 1800's through some rare fascinating images - Imgur
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Circle of Women Dancing Moon Light Dance Meadow Pagan Witches | Etsy