point of sale design

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Grey London has transformed a street level window in London's Soho into a virtual Valentine's gift shop to raise money for charitable organization Women's Aid...
Digital signage From Digital Signage Today Don't know much about digital signage? You should. It's growing fast, and its potential proximity to the point of sale means that it can be useful when ROI is paramount. All the signs are here. http://www.imediaconnection.com/article_full.aspx?id=32706_source=buffer_share=a8317#
Point of Sale, Point of Design | Rena Tom / retail strategy, trends and inspiration for creative businesses
ヴーヴ・クリコがオイルサーディン缶に イエローラベルをセット
www.ispafrica.co.za found this Veuve-Clicquot stand interesting.
Point of Purchase
Point of Purchase by Darren Gould at Coroflot.com