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Aloe Vera is a known vulnerary, (meaning it helps heal wounds) and is great for burns, abrasions, psoriasis and even to bug bites. Aloe acts as an analgesic, relieving pain. Aloe is also an antipruritic, relieving itching. Aloe Vera is an astringent: which causes the contraction of body tissues, typically used to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions. It hydrates, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, increasing the elasticity.
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The Health and Healing Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice
The Health and Healing Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice / healing the digestive system and many more benefits | beautyandthefoodie.com
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Infused with the goodness of aloe, as well as the latest innovations that nature and science offer, flawless by Sonya™ products empower women from around the world to explore and express their individual perception of beauty. www.ForeverLivingDream.myFLPbiz.com
Forever Living Products | What Matters Most...
Volumizing and lengthening mascara. As they say, the eyes are the window to the soul. We better dress those windows up!
Flawless by Sonya aloe inspired beauty's... Yey for natural makeup.... Especially if your face touches a baby's face....