102 Pins
Esquema e Bolsa_7
Burda 1988 2
Everything to Create ...: any pair crochet squares create molds 1 and 2
Burda 1988 2
Positioning diagram to make a cochet motif top
A diagram guide for putting together pretty much anything with granny squares/square motifs: tops, sweaters, purses, etc ~~ Also diagrams with triangles and hexies
A diagram guide for putting together pretty much anything with granny…
Composicion Formas Geometricas Crochet - Patrones Crochet
A diagram guide for putting together pretty much anything with granny squares/square motifs: tops, sweaters, purses, etc ~~ Also diagrams with triangles and hexies
A diagram guide for putting together pretty much anything with granny…
Технология вязания
"El beneficio de los motivos para la conexión Esquemas de ganchillo"
Кукичање/Crochet | Belgrade
Величина кукичаног круга одредиће и величину блузе. Мерите, пробајте, истражујте. Понекад су спојеви лепши од самог мотива. Срећно кукичање! ~~~~ Crochet circle size will determine the size of blouse. Measure, try, explore. Sometimes the joints are more beautiful than the motive. Happy crocheting!
How To Join Crochet Motifs For A Garment? | My Craft Bay