Ting jeg bara ikke kan lade være med at gemme

200 Pins
10 Beautiful Types of Husky Breeds (With Pictures) | Pet Keen
Alaskan Malamute Puppy | Pinterest, Wattpad, WeHeartIt, Twitter, Snapchat,Tumblr & IG: omgitsmaica
"The psychological and moral comfort of a presence at once humble and understanding—this is the greatest benefit that the dog has bestowed upon man." -- Percy Bysshe Shelley
They can never see over the steering wheel, but they think it's okay because they're "cute."
They can never see over the steering wheel, but they think it’s okay because they’re “cute.”
The rules have just changed
german shepherd puppy funnies | funny-dog-picture-rules-have-just-changed
Most Gorgeous Cats Of The Blog World | Petpremium
Isn't this puppy just the cutest? Puppies can be so happy to see you. #cutepuppy #PetPremium