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Ramshackle Enterprises
News » Ramshackle Enterprises
DIY shadow puppet theatre - love the monochrome pallet and simplicity
Toy Box Theater, founded in 1999 is the creation of Keith Shubert who is principle artist and builder. They perform solo and group shows for galleries, theatres, schools, festivals, and private parties
Art of Nancy Wiley
Storyteller. Concept for a miniature stage when telling fables and stories.
Teatro de sombras * Brincadeira de antigamente !
du carton + du papier calque + un feutre noir + du papier cartonné noir + des pics à brochette = un super théâtre d'ombre ! / Teatro de sombras / Shadow theater
Another view of puppet theatre (Puppeteers by Anna Rascouët-Paz, via Flickr)
NameBright - Domain Expired
I like the idea of using suitcases to store scenes for stop motion (can close up and keep safe from pets!)
Kamishibai, un pequeño teatro para crear historias junto a tus hijos