
114 Pins
Walk in the dunes to Deadvlei (Dead lake)
Sossuvlei sand dunes in Namibia: 3 hour walk to reach Deadvlei (the dead lake) - what an incredible experience
Prepare & Pack for your trip to Namibia
Detailed information to help you prepare and pack for your trip to Namibia: safety, clothes, food, money matters...
死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景・秘境ランキングTOP100 | wondertrip
ナミブ砂漠(Namib Desert)
Interview with Martin Harvey - Professional Wildlife Photographer
Martin Harvey - Gemsbok running on dunes
Your African Safari: A safari research & planning guide
A rare sight of water amongst the dunes of the famous Sossusvlei dunes in the Namib Desert
A Comprehensive Guide to Data Analytics, Charts, and Infographics Mastery
Namibia: 10 Things You Didn’t Know - The infographic from My Destination takes a look at ten of the most interesting facts about the African nation of Namibia. Here are some of those facts about Namibia that you may find intriguing:
Herero - Namibia
Africa | Portrait of an Herero woman carrying her child, Namibia, southern Africa
Photos and pictures of: Namaqua chameleon (chamaeleo namaquensis), Swakopmund, Namibia | The Africa Image Library
Namaqua chameleon (chamaeleo namaquensis), Swakopmund, Namibia
Welcome to the institute for cultural diplomacy
Africa | Portrait of a Herero woman. Namibia
Unrivalled Luxury Destinations & Safaris
Love brown hyaena! Kulala Desert Lodge - Larger predators include spotted hyaena and the occasional brown hyaena, a mystical shaggy-coated scavenger.