Challenge 22 | Let’s try vegan!
Consuming someone’s flesh is the opposite of an act of love. 💔 This Valentine’s Day, choose kindness on your plate and compassion in your heart. 🙏🌱 👉 FREE delicious plant-based recipes for your Valentine's dinner at the link below 💚 🎨: VeganFTA #valentinesday #valentine #love #veganlove #illustration
Challenge 22 | Let’s try vegan!
All animals, regardless of species, feel pain and experience suffering. 🐔🐶 Yet, society often overlooks this by placing human interests above the lives of other animals - a practice rooted in speciesism. 😠 It's time to recognize that the capacity to feel is not exclusive to certain animals, and every sentient being deserves empathy and respect. 🙏💚 👉 Start your vegan journey with FREE recipes at the link below 🌱 🎨: VeganFTA #speciesism #dogs #chickens #veganism #illustration
A collective vegan contemporary art project. ❌ 👉 Find out more at 🎥: alfredomeschioofficial / intheblinkofaneyeproject (IG) #contemportaryart #tattoo #animalrights #art #vegantattoo
Take the Vegan Pledge!
Every creature has the right to live free from pain and exploitation. 🐷 By embracing a vegan lifestyle we can coexist with animals in harmony and respect their inherent value. 💚 Compassion isn't just an option—it's a responsibility. 🙏 👉 Be the change for the animals. Take the Vegan Pledge today at the link below 🌱 🎨: VeganFTA #illustration #piggy #veganism #veganshare #animalrights
Try Vegan With Us | Vegan Challenge | Veganuary
If you think it's wrong to eat dogs, you already understand veganism. 👀 Dog or pig - all animals want to live. Please leave them off your plate. 🌱 👉 Ready to try vegan? Join Veganuary at the link below 💚 🎨: VeganFTA #illustration #cartoon #speciesism #veganfta #vegan
Tell Kroger to Ban Cruel Live Lobster Tanks Today!
Lobsters are sentient creatures capable of feeling pain. Boiling them alive causes immense suffering. 💔 👉 Sign the Petition to Tell Kroger to Ban Cruel Live Lobster Tanks Today at the link below! 🦞 🎨: VeganFTA #lobster #seafood #fish #vegan #animalrights
Take the Vegan Pledge!
Animals have families and mothers who nurture and protect them. 🥺 They all deserve the right to live free from harm. 🐷 Opt for a vegan lifestyle and make the world kinder for all living beings. 🌱 👉 Join the Movement! Sign the Vegan Pledge at the link below 💚 🎨: VeganFTA #pigs #piggy #vegan #veganshare #veganmovement
Take Action For Animals
Using images of happy animals on product packaging is misleading when the products are derived from animal exploitation. 😠 Only vegan products, which genuinely avoid harm to animals, should ethically display such imagery. 👏 👉 Sign Our Latest Petitions and Make an Impact. Act now at the link below 🙏 🎨: VeganFTA #vegan #veganlife #ethics #illustration #veganshare
Take the Vegan Pledge!
They are here with us, not for us. 🙏🐷 👉 Be the change for the animals. Take the vegan pledge at the link below 💚 🎨: VeganFTA #piggy #illustration #veganart #veganshare #veganism
COSTA COFFEE: Make Oat Milk the Default to Save Cows from Cruelty!
In the dairy industry, cows are repeatedly artificially inseminated and separated from their calves shortly after birth to keep them producing milk for farmers to profit from. 💔 We don't need their milk, but they need their babies. Go vegan. 💚 👉 Urge Costa Coffee to Make Oat Milk the Default 🥛🌱 Sign the petition at the link below ✍️ 🎨: VeganFTA #cows #dairy #dairyisscary #ditchdairy #vegetarian
Try Vegan With Us | Vegan Challenge | Veganuary
Happy New Year! 🎉 Why not kick off 2025 with Veganuary? Did you know that over 1.8 million people took the Veganuary pledge in 2024? 🌱 By eating plant-based for just one month, you could save 30 animal lives, reduce your carbon footprint by 3,300 kg of CO2, and conserve over 120,000 liters of water! 🌎🐷 👉 Sign up at the link below 📝 🎨 soy._.emily (IG) #veganuary #newyears #newyearsresolutions #vegan #govegan
Happy Holidays!
What makes pigs and cats so different that one deserves warmth and safety this Christmas and the other ends up living on a concrete floor, suffering, exploited only to end up on someone's dinner plate? 🤔🐷🐈‍⬛ This Christmas and every day after please choose compassion and treat ALL animals with the kindness they deserve. 🎄❄️ #christmastime #christmasdinner #compassion #happyholidays #illustration
Merry Vegan Christmas to ALL! 🎄🐷
Merry Vegan Christmas to ALL! 🎄🐷 #christmas #christmasday #santa #christmas2024 #illustration