Easy Healthy food

Recipes for a healthy diet and perhaps even losing weight
112 Pins
How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar
how to make apple cider vinegar. Never thought about making it before. Takes about 2 weeks ... so I probably won't but good info to have. :)
22+ Best High Protein Low Carb Snacks
Say what?! There's protein in nuts, seeds, beans and grains? You betcha! And we've got a whole list of sources to share with you!
Cristin Cooper
Clean Eating, 21 Day Cleanse, Cleanse, Whole 30, Daniel Fast, Meal Prep, Food Prep, Meal Planning, Easy Dinners, Healthy Dinners
Healthy Baked Broccoli Tots
Happy Sunday! I usually don’t post on Sundays but I HAD to share this recipe with you guys today. We made these healthy and skinny broccoli tater tots yesterday and the entire family loved them. If you’re a lover of broccoli than these are for you! if you’re not, well they still are, because the flavor of the broccoli is not over-powering nor is it lost. They are very similar to the <em class=short_underline> cauliflower </em>...
Baked Sweet Potatoes w/ Chickpeas & Broccoli Pesto
Baked Sweet Potatoes w/ Chickpeas & Broccoli Pesto! Vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and under 30 minutes.
Regrow: Vegetables - Useful Gardening Hints - Beesandroses.com
Recycling is great, especially when you can recycle your food. Stop throwing those old scraps away, because believe it or not, those veggies can be regrown! Here are 22 foods that magically regrow, you’ll never have to buy celery again!
25 Herbs, Vegetables & Plants You Can Grow In Water
10 Delicious Herbs You Can Grow Indoors In WATER All Year Long
Zucchini Noodle Stir-Fry with Shrimp - Just a Taste
Asian Zucchini Noodle Stir-Fry with Shrimp #recipe from justataste.com
You're Less Than 20 Minutes Away From These Satisfying Tuna Patties
Quick EASY healthy Tuna Patties! Easy to make, and easy on the budget. Best thing you can make with canned tuna. Your kids will LOVE them. On SimplyRecipes.com
Tomato Basil Avocado Mozzarella Salad with Balsamic Dressing
Tomato Basil Avocado Mozzarella Salad with Balsamic Dressing